Author Topic: advice on Pro Audio equipment  (Read 3841 times)


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advice on Pro Audio equipment
« on: December 27, 2013, 09:04:17 AM »
I have tested four pro-audio active crossovers on my Infinitys.  Two DBXs, one Behringer (a loan!), a Yamaha and a Rane.  For what it is worth:  what they say about Behringer is mostly true.  The sound is reflective of cheap.   The Sound Design of pro audio.  DBX is ok,  well built but the sound is a tad lifeless/digital and it is noisier. The Rane is expensive (like 2.5X what DBX  asks) but the sound is what we want and very very quiet.   Yamaha is not far behind Rane, but a tad noisier.   I hope this saves someone out there from going through the process - but keep in mind that going through the process is half the fun in this hobby, so knock yourself out doing the experiment yourself.  And my experiment could be all wet and I am only measuring synergy between the C19 and my amy amps,  but noise is noise, IMO.   ;D

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Re: advice on Pro Audio equipment
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2013, 09:33:15 AM »
I've always loved Rane gear.   I don't think you will regret that choice.

No takers on the Infinitys yet?   Any sniffs?


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Re: advice on Pro Audio equipment
« Reply #2 on: December 27, 2013, 11:48:25 AM »
Many sniffs,  specially after christmas.  One interesting dude in Ohio,  who seems to not be internet savvy or may be a flake.  One person was going to drive up from Florida to pick them up in an SUV,  then backed out (I would not drive 16 hours for *any* speaker).    In the meantime I am having a great time playing with them.  Today I plan to recap the passives,  tomorrow redo the grills for the bass towers (unless Macgeek has time to drop by with RTA to help me tune the room up - then that would be the activity of the day).  I also want to take a stab at building the grills for the mid-high towers - I understand that is a fairly straight forward project (I can use the grill frame for the bass towers as a starting point). 

The basic challenge I have right now is amplification.  I need more power.  They sound great up to the limits of the 120 watts I have now.  Looking to get a pair of solid state monsters to drive them with,  but taking my time on that.  My sense is that they would really come alive with 400 good watts driving the highs and lows.   Hence my interest in Mc amps right now (they are in my bucket list anyway - need to have those blue meters at some point in my listening room - I should write a brief report on my visit to McGeek's house).
