Author Topic: WTB: Single Disc CD player  (Read 5789 times)

Offline RnR

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WTB: Single Disc CD player
« on: January 07, 2014, 02:08:26 PM »

I am looking to buy a good single-disc CD (only) player.  Fed up with my junk Sony -- not warm, not detailed, has trouble with old/burned CD's, and skips quite easily ---   Age and Brand aren't so important, but quality is, as I am looking for something to keep.   Preferably used.  If you guys have anything for sale you think I may be interested in, please let me know.  If you dont have one for sale, maybe you can give me some brands/models to be looking out for.  I have heard rega makes good CD players??  Any info is appreciated, thanks

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Re: WTB: Single Disc CD player
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2014, 04:54:09 PM »
Hard to beat the Tascam CD200.

It's made for the "pro" market and uses the ESS Sabre DAC along with a very fast access, quiet, quality Teac drive mechanism.

Lists at $450 but can be had for less than $250.

Oh, it also plays MP3 discs
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Re: WTB: Single Disc CD player
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2014, 06:17:06 PM »
I'm not big on cd, so rgpit probably has a better idea than me, but the carver sda 490t is a tube CD player and it sounds badass

Offline BrianT

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Re: WTB: Single Disc CD player
« Reply #3 on: January 07, 2014, 06:53:57 PM »
I'm not big on cd, so rgpit probably has a better idea than me, but the carver sda 490t is a tube CD player and it sounds badass

So is a Grant Fidelity CD-327A and it's a lot newer, sold for around $1000.00 5 years ago. Can be had for around $500.00
it's a real nice tubed CD player.

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Re: WTB: Single Disc CD player
« Reply #5 on: January 07, 2014, 07:55:03 PM »
I love my Oppo 970.   Got it used for under a bill.

Offline F1nut

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Re: WTB: Single Disc CD player
« Reply #6 on: January 07, 2014, 11:37:27 PM »

I am looking to buy a good single-disc CD (only) player.  Fed up with my junk Sony -- not warm, not detailed, has trouble with old/burned CD's, and skips quite easily ---   Age and Brand aren't so important, but quality is, as I am looking for something to keep.   Preferably used.  If you guys have anything for sale you think I may be interested in, please let me know.  If you dont have one for sale, maybe you can give me some brands/models to be looking out for.  I have heard rega makes good CD players??  Any info is appreciated, thanks

Sony excells at making sterile, bright sounding CDP's, so I'm not surprised you say yours is not warm, but I am surprised you say it's not detailed.

Anyway, if you can a used Jolida JD100, I think you'll like it. Definitely on the warm side, yet detailed. If it has the stock Chinese tubes, roll in something else like a pair of Sylvania 5751 triple mica, black plates. Also, upgrade the stock power cord as it responds extremely well to a better cord.
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Offline RnR

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Re: WTB: Single Disc CD player
« Reply #7 on: January 08, 2014, 11:43:53 AM »
Thank you guys for the quick replies, I'm researching the models you suggested now.  FYI (I should have mentioned this) My system is not insanely high end, though it does sound very good -- so id say for a general rule of thumb im looking for something in the sub-$300 range.  Ill be running it through a carver m-500t and a C-1 and some Klipsch Forte II's/EPI's -- lookin' for sin~ergy   >:D

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Re: WTB: Single Disc CD player
« Reply #10 on: January 10, 2014, 12:09:33 PM »
I know this question is subjective.  But how often in general do you have to change tubes in something like this?  I am only familiar with musical equipment at far as tube electronics are concerned.   Say one uses his CD player for an hour or two per day on average?

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Re: WTB: Single Disc CD player
« Reply #11 on: January 10, 2014, 04:19:17 PM »
from what i understand ( and i am a novice at best) the tube cd player does not push the limits of the tubes like an amplifier would.
It is just a "Buffer".

so that being said, they are supposed to last a long long long time. you will change them to hear what different tubes sound like long before they go south.

i understand the telefunken 6dj8's sound tremendous in those units...