Author Topic: HH Scott 350 Tube Tuner  (Read 8416 times)


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HH Scott 350 Tube Tuner
« on: January 05, 2010, 04:12:03 PM »
HH Scott 350 tube tuner for sale.  Nice cosmetic condition, just a few scratches here and there.  Comes with the leather-ish (?) clad metal cover.

This tuner has been to Hot Glass Audio for repair.  He replaced a few tubes and caps and pronounced it fit, but this (hopefully minor) problem persists: Every few minutes to half hour it emits a loud "Buzzzzzz" then goes back to normal operation.  Seems to get worse after it's been on for some time.  I have not taken it back to Hot Glass Audio because I don't have confidence in his work.  Probably an easy fix for someone who knows what they're doing.

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Re: HH Scott 350 Tube Tuner
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2010, 06:50:23 PM »
This is a very nice tuner and a fair price.  Someone should take a shot at this.  Scematics are available, or if you cannot find it, I have a set that came with my tuner.

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Re: HH Scott 350 Tube Tuner
« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2010, 10:29:18 PM »
OOOOOOOOOh!  That's a real nice tuner!  I have the kit version of this tuner, an LT-110 with the chocolate face.  These sound very good!

In Pittsburgh, we have several very nice public radio FM stations on the lower end of the FM dial.  If you like jazz (WDUQ), classical (WQED) and indy, jazz, blues etc. (WYEP).  Many cities don't have a great selection as this.  All of these stations broadcast from the South Hills within about a 20 degree radii on my horizon in Monroeville.  I have a Yagi antenna on my roof that I point to the W-SW.  I peg the tuning meters on my McIntosh MR-71, Scott LT-110, Fisher KM-60 and Marantz 150.

Yeah, yeah I know DVE is there.  The classic rock is good but they haven't changed their playlist since Nixon was President.  No variety.  When's the last time you heard King Crimson, Ten Years After or countless other bands.  Plus, way too many commercials.  PBR has no commercials, just the fund raising periods about four times a year for a week.

Sorry for the threadjack :'(  I'll behave!! :P


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Re: HH Scott 350 Tube Tuner
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2010, 11:14:29 AM »

Squeezebox w/Welborne Labs PS / Benchmark DAC1 / Emotive Audio Erato / Aspen Lifeforce / Speaker of the Month

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Re: HH Scott 350 Tube Tuner
« Reply #4 on: January 18, 2010, 10:51:36 PM »
YSRACER should contact Ryan at Hotglass and give him a chance to make the repair right before posting derogatory remarks about his work. There's alot of variables in Vintage audio repair and sometimes new components can go bad before their time. He's done fine work for me and he currently has my Scott 296.
Things I'll keep: Fisher 500c, Sherwood S-3000, Scott LK-72,Scott 222, Pioneer SX-1250, Carver M500t, Garrard A70MkII, Thorens TD-145, Bozak B4000's, AR2-Ax's, AR-19's, Teac X-10R.
Things I'll sell sometime:, Sherwood S-8000, Magnepan MG1c, KLH Model 5,Scott 222c,

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Re: HH Scott 350 Tube Tuner
« Reply #5 on: January 18, 2010, 11:18:35 PM »
Given your description of the problem (intermittent, random spurious noise or oscillation), it suggests one of two issues - grid leakage or inter-electrode shorts in the local oscillator circuit - the pentode section of a 6U8...or, a faulty 6BS8 RF input tube. Both tubes are located in the front-end of the tuner, next to the tuning capacitor. Remove the tube shields and replace the tubes specified above. This problem can be difficult to isolate and does require a degree of patience to locate, given that is does occur randomly. However. it is generally a tube (or tubes) that would induce this type of issue.

Replacing both tubes should restore normal operation.