« Reply #6 on: April 20, 2014, 11:38:49 AM »
I like all colors. You could paint the outer trim Ferrari red and they would still be f'in cool. I just wish I had the room for a pair. Based on my listening room, I'd have to settle for a pair of AL III's (or Plus - not going to be finicky). I am just bummed out that I can't put both the Heresy II's in the main set up with the Polk SDA-1C's. I've thought of a couple of ways to make this work, but haven't formalized a plan yet.

MAIN SYSTEM:Carver TFM-55, Carver C-16, Carver S/DA-490t, Carver TD-1770, BSR-EQ3000, Philips AF-677, Auvio HD Radio Tuner, Polk SDA-1C's
Man Cave: HR-772, Technics SL-P220, Polk Monitor 12 Series 2
Bedroom: Cheap ass Teac Receiver, Klipsch Heresy II's
Porch: Kenwood KR-820 Receiver, Optimus STS 100