Thanks all. I need to work on improving how the woofs are coupled with the baffles because there is some vibration there, but looks to be an easy fix. The ribbons sound fantastic to me. We connected them first with the Onkyo driving the ribbons and the Aragon the woofs. Sounded good but not enough power. We then connected the Sunfire 400x5 and they woke up (800 watts [4 ohm] times 4 will wake up any speaker). I need to work on better cables [outsourced some of that to River Current in Bethel] and any additional camber, tilt, etc. adjustments.
The Infinitys arrived at their new home in New York, a church being restored as a house. I hope to go visit with them the next time I pass by NY:

Will keep you all posted and write review-like comments as I gain experience with them.