So i was doing some wire cleanup behind the entertainment center and got a shock from the Kimber rca cable coming from the Aux "input" on my fisher 500b. When i touch either the L/R rca cable end then with the same hand touch the chassis of my HT receiver (ground) i get a light shock.
So i got the DMM out and i am registering 40-60v ac. both L/R. mind you the fisher is plugged into a monster HTS 3600 MKII ( hummin like an asia hooker, but thats another problem all together) but the fisher is turned off.
What i've done so far :
1.remove the power plug from the Fisher to the MKII which was plugged into the slot marked "Spare". no voltage present
2. plugged the fisher into the outlet marked "cd" , voltage present at neg terminal on rca cables.
3. plugged the fisher direct into the wall, voltage present at neg terminal on rca cables.
(mind you all of this was done with the Fisher turned off..)
what the heck is going on ? ? anybody ?? i am really hopping this is an I-D-10-T error on my part, a simple home brew fix would be great...
I will take suggestions on the MKII hummer if you have any..( aside from getting a Furman IT that is)
Thanks in advance.