Author Topic: My system - humble as it is  (Read 14536 times)

Offline Tiga

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My system - humble as it is
« on: January 07, 2010, 01:08:38 PM »
Yoi - you guys have such great equipment - almost don't want to post my modest set-up. Just started with this hobby/obsession in 2009 so have only collected a few things. 

In current rotation in the man-cave
Sansui 5500, Kenwood KR-4140, Onkyo SR606, Boston Acoustics A70's, Optimus 5's (slightly modded), 3x TSC RC1, Polk M-10's, TSC ASW-10, LG BH200 Super-Blu Player, Infocus IN72 projector, 80" homemade screen.

Currently out of rotation (as of today)
Sansui 771, Fisher 884, KLH Model 20 Compact system (speakers re-capped thanks to BMWR75's help!), Optimus T-100's (slightly modded), BA A40's, other odds and ends.

All sounds great to me - looking forward to expanding the system.

Offline mikey813

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Re: My system - humble as it is
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2010, 01:30:06 PM »
Very nice collection Dave.
True Image CM-2500, Terra Song SS-1, Denon       DCD-1520, Sony CA8es, Kef K140, Definitive Technology DR-7


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Re: My system - humble as it is
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2010, 01:44:17 PM »
I Don't Think That You Have One Damn Thing To Be Ashamed Of Dave.

Thanks For Posting And Happy Listening Sir.-----BILL(BB3)
« Last Edit: January 07, 2010, 02:17:48 PM by BB3 »

Offline confused

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Re: My system - humble as it is
« Reply #3 on: January 07, 2010, 01:56:00 PM »
Hi Tiga (Dave),

Not bad for a year, but if the bug has bitten you as hard as the rest of us, you will be amazed how this stuff multiplies.  How do you like your BA's.  I've never heard them but they have a great reputation.

Love those old KLH systems, just finally parted with mine a few weeks ago.

Just wondering what kind of mods you did to the Shack speakers.  I have a couple sets I like pretty well, LX5 with Linaeum tweeters and a set of Optimus 5's.  The LX5s are 1 of my favorite little speakers (even refoamed the woofers to keep them operating).  I was surprised to see that the LX5s actually use film caps in the Xover.  The 5s are a little different with three tweeters and a woofer.  I never got into them to look, but I think 2 tweeters do midrange duty and 1 is for the tweets.  I have read that the 5s were manufactured by KEF for the Shack, though that was on another forum and may or may not be true (Has anyone else heard this?).

Finally, who is TSC and how do you like bluray?


-Still Smoking!-

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Re: My system - humble as it is
« Reply #4 on: January 07, 2010, 05:10:12 PM »
Nice system.

Offline Kingman

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Re: My system - humble as it is
« Reply #5 on: January 07, 2010, 05:24:49 PM »
I Don't Think That You Have One Damn Thing To Be Ashamed Of Dave.
Couldn't have said it better!!! Never be ashamed of what you listen to music on! only matters what it sounds like to YOU!!!!

Offline Tiga

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Re: My system - humble as it is
« Reply #6 on: January 07, 2010, 11:17:00 PM »
Absolutely love the BA's.  The BA 70's especially.  The don't have the low end of the Optimus 5's but everything else is silky smooth and detailed.  It just seems like everything sounds good on them and they are non-fatiguing -you can listen all day.  I've got my eye out for some A150's or A200's now.

Both of my Realistic Optimus sets were considered to be "end of life" by their previous owners.  The T-100's originally had twin 16 ohm woofers wired in parallel. They were damaged beyond repair on mine so I replaced them with one 8ohm realistic 8" woofer that I alread had and a Polk 8" passive radiator.  I brought the tweeters back with just a cleaning of the l-pad. The results were actually better than what I expected.  The cabinets on these are real nice with walnut veneer on all 4 sides.  At some point I may update the crossover and tweeter and add some cabinet bracing.

The optimus 5's were really rough all around. The cabinets were gouged and several corners chipped off and most of the drivers didn't work.  I rebuilt the corners,filled the gouges and painted the cabinets, then re-capped the crossovers and replaced some bad speaker connectors.  The tweeters were shot so I replaced them with Alesis domes from Parts express.  The results were great -these are very nice sounding speakers.  From what I could find all 3 tweeters carry the midrange signals however the tweeter also gets everything above 5khz. Even though all 3 look identical the midranges are slightly different and have a different frequency spec.

I've read different things on who made/designed these speakers. Some believe it was KLH as they bear a close resemblence to the KLH Model 5's.  Others swear it wasn't them.  First I heard it may be KEF though - I'll have to check that out.

TSC is The Speaker Company. They are a recent small internet based company owned by Denon/marantz.  It looks like they are going out of business however. Unfortunate as they had an interesting business model of re-selling discontinued brands/designs under their name for real cheap prices.  My RC-1's are clones of older Polk's and my sub is a Energy ESW-10 clone.  All sound great for silly little money.

I really love blu-ray now- I was a little resentful toward it at first because I originally invested in the HD DVD camp.  Oh well.

Hi Tiga (Dave),

Not bad for a year, but if the bug has bitten you as hard as the rest of us, you will be amazed how this stuff multiplies.  How do you like your BA's.  I've never heard them but they have a great reputation.

Love those old KLH systems, just finally parted with mine a few weeks ago.

Just wondering what kind of mods you did to the Shack speakers.  I have a couple sets I like pretty well, LX5 with Linaeum tweeters and a set of Optimus 5's.  The LX5s are 1 of my favorite little speakers (even refoamed the woofers to keep them operating).  I was surprised to see that the LX5s actually use film caps in the Xover.  The 5s are a little different with three tweeters and a woofer.  I never got into them to look, but I think 2 tweeters do midrange duty and 1 is for the tweets.  I have read that the 5s were manufactured by KEF for the Shack, though that was on another forum and may or may not be true (Has anyone else heard this?).

Finally, who is TSC and how do you like bluray?

Offline Tiga

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Re: My system - humble as it is
« Reply #7 on: January 08, 2010, 06:51:24 AM »
Thanks.  I've really learned a lot in the past year.  I wish I would have started down this road 10 years ago.   :D

I Don't Think That You Have One Damn Thing To Be Ashamed Of Dave.
Couldn't have said it better!!! Never be ashamed of what you listen to music on! only matters what it sounds like to YOU!!!!

Offline confused

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Re: My system - humble as it is
« Reply #8 on: January 08, 2010, 10:34:43 AM »
Thanks for the info!  My 5's are original, if you are ever in Monroeville, and want to hear what thay sounded like originally, let me know.  I think they sound pretty good.

-Still Smoking!-

Offline Tiga

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Re: My system - humble as it is
« Reply #9 on: January 09, 2010, 08:10:47 AM »
Thanks Dale!  Same here if you are in Munhall!

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Re: My system - humble as it is
« Reply #10 on: January 09, 2010, 11:57:15 AM »
Thanks Tiga,

I will keep you in mind next time I am over that way.  I have some friends in that area, and do get to Munhall occasionally.


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Re: My system - humble as it is
« Reply #11 on: January 09, 2010, 01:34:28 PM »
Yoi - you guys have such great equipment - almost don't want to post my modest set-up. Just started with this hobby/obsession in 2009 so have only collected a few things. 

In current rotation in the man-cave
Sansui 5500, Kenwood KR-4140, Onkyo SR606, Boston Acoustics A70's, Optimus 5's (slightly modded), 3x TSC RC1, Polk M-10's, TSC ASW-10, LG BH200 Super-Blu Player, Infocus IN72 projector, 80" homemade screen.

Currently out of rotation (as of today)
Sansui 771, Fisher 884, KLH Model 20 Compact system (speakers re-capped thanks to BMWR75's help!), Optimus T-100's (slightly modded), BA A40's, other odds and ends.

All sounds great to me - looking forward to expanding the system.

Ya gotta start somewhere.  The first receiver I ever purchased was a Kenwood KR-750 and I still have it. About 3 month after I realized it wasn't that great, I found a Sansui 9090DB ( still have this one also)for 250.00.  and a set of Polk SDA-SRS 2's for 1100.00( had to take out a personal loan at Union National Bank)It has been down hill ever since. :o :o :o
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Offline confused

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Re: My system - humble as it is
« Reply #12 on: January 09, 2010, 04:12:57 PM »

-Still Smoking!-

Offline thuffman03

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Re: My system - humble as it is
« Reply #13 on: January 09, 2010, 09:56:42 PM »
You have a very nice system.  Don't let anyone tell you different.  IMO as long as you like the sound you get from it then it is a good system.  To take a quote from Kingman, As long as it sounds good to you, then be happy with what you have.
Got Carver?

Offline Colinbgood

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Re: My system - humble as it is
« Reply #14 on: January 10, 2010, 12:29:41 PM »
nice set up
Need more Carver! Comming soon a pair of silver 7t's!