Author Topic: Acoustic Research AR5's  (Read 3640 times)

Offline vstarkwell

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Acoustic Research AR5's
« on: May 05, 2014, 04:44:54 PM »
I have a pair of AR5's that need some work, (crossovers, refoam, wiring) the cabs are in pretty good shape, one of the grill covers needs to be cleaned. These would be perfect for any of you out there who can do their own work. I don't know how to do any of the above mentioned and if I did I really don't have the time.

I'd hate to gut these to sell for parts. I'd post pics but I can never seem to figure out how to do so on this forum.

I got $75 in them, they came from a nice home in Mt. Lebo, I believe from the original owner. I'm just looking for my money back ($75).

Here's some info on them if you're interested in learning more.