Dude... Baby Advent Stacks !!!!!

Eh, they are not all that, but I made them better. These are ones my father had years ago that I've restored/modded for a little guest bedroom rig. All I needed was the woofers as the originals had the dreaded foam rot and got misplaced. I was able to find some newly refoamed for a good price.
I replaced the spring binding posts with gold 5 ways. I've upgraded the single cap to a Clarity and the single resistor to Mills, then mounted them and the stock inductors to a new FR4 board, all point to point wiring. I also replaced all the internal 22 gauge wiring with 16 gauge. I replaced the stock grill cloth (kinda baby shit brown) with real black and refinished the wood end caps to a rich rosewood color. I also added some internal bracing as there was none and added a little bit of damping material to the back wall while retaining the original fiberglass. They sound MUCH better now.