I am selling this gear. DISCLAIMER: PRICES ARE NEGOTIABLE, so I don't want to hear anyone say anything about "oh I won't pay that much for that". Also, I'm putting this stuff on ebay in 48 hours, so be quick!
Carver C-1
Serial Number 333. This one actually belonged to Tom (OCCD), so he'll vouch for how badass of a preamp it is. It has been recapped, has a modified power supply, and it's one of very few C-1's that still have a legible faceplate. It's in great shape, and sounds incredible. I'm sad that I must part with it, but it's time to move on to something different. Something this good shouldn't be sitting collecting dust. $450 OBO.

Carver M-500 (no, not the T

This thing has been recapped head to toe. After about 10 or 15 hours of play, it really opened up. Definitely the best I've heard when it comes to an M-500. A great amp. Unfortunately, it's not ballsy enough to power my new speakers, so I'm forced to get something bigger. $450 OBO

Polk Audio Monitor 5 Jr.
Decent little speakers, but I don't have a use for them anymore. They have passive radiators, and silver coil tweeters. I have the grills for them as well, and they're in great shape. The speakers do not need refoamed. Maybe they could use new speaker jacks, but that's about it. $100 OBO