Author Topic: I sent my sunfire amp in the vintage hifi 2 years ago and still dont have it  (Read 12494 times)

Offline vucelick

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I have talked to them sever times over the last 2 years and still no eta on the repair.  Are they still in business?  My recent calls and voice mails have went un-returned?


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The shop is open,  but still in the process of getting going again after moving to a new location.  They are noy acceptng new work until the current backlog is processed.

Offline vucelick

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I talked to them about 6 months ago and they told me they had just finished moving into their new location.  They are still moving in after 6 months?

Offline Sir Thrift-a-Lot

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It's complicated...

Plus, Tom is now scheduled for surgery that will be another set back.   One or two man operations can be problematic in this way, but Tom is a first class guy and I'm sure he feels terrible about what has gone on.   I also feel certain that he will make it right.

I'm not affiliated with Vintage Hi Fi, these are just the observations of a friend.

Offline vucelick

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So are they actively working on their backlog?  I can seem to get them on the phone at all.  Anyone have any other ideas?

Offline Sir Thrift-a-Lot

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I hope they are.   I have a few things I want to send their way but won't do so until they get all of that straightened out.   Like I said, you have to be very patient with 1-2 man operations.   However, I'm okay with waiting because I am confident they will do an amazing job.


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So are they actively working on their backlog?  I can seem to get them on the phone at all.  Anyone have any other ideas?

I hope this ends up well for you.  Tom's work is really good when the shop is active, and it is somewhat common in my experience for these repairs to take some time if done by good techs (Tom's prices are very reasonable so that may have led to too much demand).  As an example, I waited a year for Sam Palermo to restore my Tascam 122Mkii deck, but boy I was happy with the end result.  Good luck!

Offline Kingman

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I have talked to them sever times over the last 2 years and still no eta on the repair.  Are they still in business?  My recent calls and voice mails have went un-returned?
I've had marriages that didnt last that long.... :-[

Offline vucelick

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Still can't get anyone on the phone.

Offline mark

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Can you drive there, pick up the unit, and wash your hands of it all?  :(

Offline StephenWVU

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Mark, are you asking him to pick it up and not complain? The tone seemed nasty and unnecessary but I might not be understanding correctly.
Speakers: Nearfield Acoustics Pipedreams Reference 18
Mark Levinson ML3 (subs)
Phison A2.120SE (towers)
Preamplifier/DAC/Phono: Phison PD2SE
Server: Pi & NUC
Turntable: VPI HR-X, VdH Colibri XGW

Offline mark

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Hi Stephen. I am saying vucelick should just make arrangements to pick up his amp and move on and maybe seek other avenues for repair work.. Two + years is a long time.

Offline StephenWVU

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Gotcha. I'd probably do exactly that.
Speakers: Nearfield Acoustics Pipedreams Reference 18
Mark Levinson ML3 (subs)
Phison A2.120SE (towers)
Preamplifier/DAC/Phono: Phison PD2SE
Server: Pi & NUC
Turntable: VPI HR-X, VdH Colibri XGW

Offline vucelick

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Not feasible, I live on the west coast.

Offline Kingman

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Bearjew...can you check with Tom and this guy and see if this can be resolved?