Been a while since I updated my systems, so here’s an update

This is the main AV/listening room. I’ve been searching for 2 or 3 La Scalas finished in the raw birch lacquer finish to replace the 2 black ones and the white one. The white one doesn’t bother me aesthetically but the black ones did. Hence the trip to Morgantown.

Most of the control comes from here. On the right side of the rack is an Oppo 93, Sunfire TGIV and a Sunfire 5 x 400. The Oppo has an HDMI cable running to the TV and all the audio cables feed the sunfire. Another new toy is the Technics SL1200, I had forgotten how nice vinyl sounds on the La Scalas when played through a Sunfire. The Sunfire Signature 5 x 400 drives the La Scalas for LCR and a pair of Cornwalls for surround. There is also Rythmik 15 inch sub to the left and a Klipsch SW 12 ( I think it is) on the right. I can listen to 2.1 stereo, 2 channel or 5.1 SACD or 5.1 Dolby Digital movies.
On the right is a Dual CS5000 turntable an Oppo 981 with an HDMI cable running to the TV and the audio going to the AN L2. For power we have an Audio Note L2 preamp/phonostage and an Audio Note L2 DAC. I’m using longer than I like rca cables to run to a pair of Audio Note Interstage Mono Blocks. These feed the Azura horn system which is comprised of a pair of Electro Voice Sentry IV bass bins, Lowther PM4a drives and Digital Pete crossovers. I cross this system over at 250 Hz. It’s kind of nice to play the Comboy Junkies Trinity Revisted on this system and watch the video going to the Sony screen and having the audio going 2 channel through the tube system.
The Audio Note preamp/phono stage and Dac give me lots of options for rolling tubes. I upgraded the power tubes with Bendix 6X5’s and there is a nice assortment of 12AX7 and 12AU7 tubes to roll.
With this set up I run a Sonos connect to provide the main staple of audio to both systems

Here’s a close up of the L2 Phono stage and DAC. You can see the tubes glowing softly through the top of the DAC.

Here’s a shot of the L2 Phono stage / preamp. It uses dual 12AU7’s for the line stage and a 12AX7 that feeds a 12AU7 for the phono stage.
My goal here was to have an inexpensive alternative for the Sunfire Tube Preamp and to keep it priced around $1,500 bucks. I kept the tin covered Audio Note caps instead of upgrading to the copper foil and adding Black Gates. One thing I learned is that you really have to have clean sounding tubes in the phono stage. You hear everything. I also like the single tube feeding both channels in the phono stage. It makes it easier to roll tubes. The L3 uses 3 12AY7’s and they have to match perfectly.

Here’s a shot under the hood of the L2 DAC. It features a pair of 6922/6DJ8 tubes and the M2 power supply, like all the AN Kits dacs and line stages/preamps. Again I used the tin covered AN caps to keep the cost below $1,500.

Here’s the Sunfire set up

An one of the Audio Note Interstage mono blocks. It takes an hour for these to warm up to playing temperature.

Here’s a shot under the hood of the Interstage Mono Blocks. This photo is from the first set Pete built. It turns out I was the guinea pig for these. I had Pete use Black gate caps and 1.5 watt Tantalum resistors for this one. After everyone heard this one, Pete built one for himself and another buddy built one with Black Gates a 2 watt Tantelum resistors. I later acquired that one as well. Anyway, nice and clean under the hood. The key to these is the Interstage Transformers. These are running 300b tubes in a Parallel Single Ended config (PSE) and they deliver 20 WPC.

Here’s a close up of the Dual. I have a Grado Gold cartridge for both of these tables but recently I also ordered a pair of Audio Technica AT440MLa cartridges and I have to say I am kind of liking them a lot.

And the Technics sporting a brand new dustcover. This table sounds amazing on the Sunfire set up and the La Scalas