This isn't a Sony, but I think it is what you are looking for...

This is a Panasonic "Pro-Line" AG-1970 S-VHS recorder. On the last pic you may be able to see the sticker that is labeled "commercial use only". I suspect that is because it only has S-Video and BNC outputs, no line out. I was encouraged by that and by the "B" sticker which I deliberately left on the face. I figure if this was the B deck in someone's set up, then perhaps it didn't get as much use (and wear) as the "A" deck. You may also notice the record level slider. There is a meter on the LED face. This deck seems to have everything that any VHS ever did. The last one on eBay went for a buck fiddy (who knew?).
The kids had a good time watching "Aladdin" on it this evening to make sure it was in proper working order. It looked as good to me as a 480 broadcast, something I've never said about any of my VCRs. I only watched for a bit as I am still sad over Robin Williams (sappy, I know). Anyway, I think I found a winner.
Let me know if you still need it and we can work out the details via PM. Sorry, no remote.