Hey guys,
Pretty excited about some changes I'v made to my current setup, so I wanted to share the sinergy

that I'v found with the rest of the forum.
What I'm Running:
AMP - Carverfest 20wpc el-84 design with NOS RCA tubes -- Borrowed (thanx rev)
PRE - Carver C-1 (modded)
SPEAKERS - Klipsch Forte II with Crites crossovers and titanium tweeter diaphragms
TT - Project debut III with Grado gold cart
TUNER - Carver TX-2 paired with Magnum Dynalab antenna
CD - Rega Planet 2000
CASSETTE - Nakamichi CR-1a
I rearranged my room lately and made sure to take my time and get the forte II's properly setup with the room. First played music with prominent bass and closed my eyes as I placed them closer/further from the rear/side walls until I found what I thought was an ideal placement. It ended up being around 14 inches from the rear wall and 6 inches from the side walls. Ah, also towed them in 1.5 inches and put a DVD case under the front of each to raise their front a hair. I was pretty surprised how sensitive to placement they were, but most of the low bass is produced by a rear-mounted passive radiator. Once set up properly I not only enjoyed a true sweet spot, but I finally experienced the Carver sonic holography as it was intended. Pretty cool for airy ambient stuff, and also stuff that is panned wide (large lush interactive soundstage), but not so useful with fast, driving, bass straight down the middle type music. Sweet spot sits around 12-15 feet form the speakers in an equilateral triangle.
The 20 wpc el-84 based Carver tube amp was an awesome addition to the system as a whole. Most notably the Klipsch speakers, because their brighter horn design mates best with low powered tube amplifiers, it really is true, not so say SS cant sound awesome as well, SS may have the upper hand with bass in certain styles (read as faster, more modern). Nevertheless it is a noticeable upgrade in all styles, airy female vox are.. IN the room. The Grado is miles ahead of my stock cartridge (orotofon om5e) in warmth and again matched with brighter forte II's. The Rega Planet 2000 is an awesome sounding CD player, very warm, fast, and very full, though I have had some issues with skipping.. Nakamichi is a workhorse, it sounds good and just keeps playing. I do need to figure out why I cant get anything to happen when I press record (more or less a dead button, does nothing) because i am really eager to do some recording on cassettes.
What else.. ahh who knows heres some pics, I'm going to flip the record.