Several of you have asked either by the forum or by message or email when my surgery is.
It's finally scheduled for next Thursday Feb 26th. I'll be in hospital for 7-10 days. It could be shorter but unfortunately it could be longer. Either way it's going to really suck. When I recover from the surgery I'm back on chemo which really messes me up. Thank god for Spotify & Tidal!
Don't want to get too technical, but you forgot to capitalize God - The Old Man is very particular about that. I have faith that the surgery will go fine and you will be better off as a result. And I am glad you have Spotify or Tidal but unclear as to why you maintain both. As your Mexican financial advisor, I recommend you simplify your supplier base and reduce music subscription expense in half. Or, you may want to dump both and subscribe to Pepe's
"cassette-of-the-month" club. You get one 90 minute normal-bias cassette by mail the second week of ea mth, magnetized with a mix of Latin music of my choice (feedback is discouraged, if you don't like my choices you need to work on that), properly recorded in a calibrated deck using Dolby B, all for $50 a month. The premium subscription upgrades you to a type II TDK cassette recorded with Dolby C and HX Pro for $75/mth. What a deal! Either option is as logical as having
both Tidal and Spotify. Did I drive that point home?
PBJ's new setup with the Amazing Silvers sounds great BTW - much better than the old Mac speakers IMO.
Happy snow shoveling!!