Author Topic: Downgrade-upgrade: Oppo BDP-83  (Read 9659 times)


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Downgrade-upgrade: Oppo BDP-83
« on: May 06, 2015, 08:53:05 PM »
I sold the non-plus-ultra Oppo BDP-105D and bought a used Oppo 83. All the goodness of the 105 w/o the complication,  and I got $700 in change to help buy a tube DAC. Listening to the Oregon - 45th Parallel CD on it and now it sounds pretty dang good - to my ears as good or better than the 105 (though not as good as that damn Phillips - maybe after I get the DAC).   Will try a SACD next.   

My take on the Oppo lineup now:  the 105 is not worth the extra dough. The DAC is not that good and is painful to use (little ergonomic things like not remembering what digital input I used last - had to scroll through the menu of eight inputs [of which the DAC is last] or hit a combination of keys to get to the DAC).  I may be in the minority,  but I think that Oppo DAC is oversold.  Rev's Arcam DAC (a 4 year old design costing much less) sounds way..... better.   The Darbee video processing in the 105D is not useful - at least not in my video display setups (Sharp Aquous 65" LCD or Mitsu 7900 front projector,  both at 1080p with the 105 doing all the processing) - the Oppo 83 is doing as good a job w/o all the complexity (or I do not have the "golden eyes" to appreciate the Darbee effect). If you are going to purchase a new Oppo,  go for the 103.  The "D" is not worth it except as a resale value gimmick.

My 2 cents.



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Re: Downgrade-upgrade: Oppo BDP-83
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2015, 08:58:48 PM »
And I can make it multi-region  >:D:

Offline Sir Thrift-a-Lot

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Re: Downgrade-upgrade: Oppo BDP-83
« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2015, 09:32:13 PM »
You can also make it play SACD copies (since so many SACDs are out of print).


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Re: Downgrade-upgrade: Oppo BDP-83
« Reply #3 on: May 06, 2015, 09:37:14 PM »
Are you saying the 103 and 105 cannot be made multi-regional? 

That was always a big selling point for me on the OPPO dvd players.  Have not sprung for one of their bluray players yet.


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Re: Downgrade-upgrade: Oppo BDP-83
« Reply #4 on: May 06, 2015, 09:57:15 PM »
I stand corrected - the 83 patch applies to the 103 and 105.  Thanks for setting me straight Scott!


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Re: Downgrade-upgrade: Oppo BDP-83
« Reply #5 on: May 07, 2015, 10:01:54 PM »
I just swapped the Oppo RCA (GLS,  home made termination) cables with Monster M1000s that JimP loaned me.  The Oppo 83 now leaves the Phillips in the dust.  Phillips matches bass to some degree but then gets muddy (by comparison) in all instruments beyond that bottom octave.  The Phillips is connected with comparably good interconnects,  but will try it tomorrow with the Monster M1000 cables just to be sure it is apples to apples.

I may finally be able to sell Falcon's CD-80 and free up some space in the rack for something else!
