Author Topic: Peachtree DAC  (Read 7102 times)


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Peachtree DAC
« on: July 08, 2015, 07:40:39 PM »
Not recommended.  Sounds good for about 10 minutes,  then you start to notice noise in the signal,  probably harmonics,  that soon will have you ripping your hair out.  Many better alternatives.

Sorry for the short review but better a quick warning than nothing.



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Re: Peachtree DAC
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2015, 09:39:28 PM »
Not recommended.  Sounds good for about 10 minutes,  then you start to notice noise in the signal,  probably harmonics,  that soon will have you ripping your hair out.  Many better alternatives.

Sorry for the short review but better a quick warning than nothing.


I thought Jim Pittsburgh got one.  I know it was quick, but he seemed pretty happy with it from the start.  He was only listening to it for 10 minutes though when he said that, so who knows.

Offline Sir Thrift-a-Lot

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Re: Peachtree DAC
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2015, 10:15:39 PM »
Thanks for the warning.   I don't have much hair to spare.

Offline Jim Pittsburgh

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Re: Peachtree DAC
« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2015, 11:33:09 PM »
Sorry for not posting an update... Yes I got the Peachtree ... and after the initial thrill, it quickly wore off. The sound in my system was very very centered and the mids emphasised way too much.Using it in the surround sound mode really brought the majority of the music to the center channel speaker.  I sent it  wasn't satisfactory even for listening outside.... everything was there except the mids were just too in your face.  I tried Pepe's Jolida and it was a huge improvement... I think with the right tubes it would be awesome. 

I ordered the Schiit Biofrost Uber USB from Schiit, but it was on 2-3 week back order .... and 1.5 weeks later, it's still on the same back order. I was looking at the PS Audio dac and on a whim called HiFi Heaven. During a long discussion with Carl?, he mentioned that they had a few Schiit pieces in stock since they were thinking of picking up the line.... He checked and they had a Biofrost Uber USB in stock.... I couldn't buy it fast enough lol and saved the shipping cost to boot :-)  It arrived Tuesday.... much much much better than the Peachtree! I really like the sound and the imaging is just awesome.... it's a keeper.I get no ear fatigue from it what so ever... and for me, that's really saying something! Playing with interconnects now to see what can be done.... very please with the Schiit... so a box of Schiit arrived at my house, and it didn't smell in the least lol  Pretty much invisible in my system which is what I want and like, not looking for color to the sound nor any type of emphasis nor articulate highs that are shrill. Sounds very very close to the dbx cd player when used with the Sony 7200 Blu-Ray , and better than the Sony S7200 Blu-Ray player via HDMI
a bunch of nice sounding stuff. Nice that I'm finally able to actually listen to file music for the first time...


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Re: Peachtree DAC
« Reply #4 on: July 09, 2015, 06:36:52 PM »
Sorry for not posting an update... Yes I got the Peachtree ... and after the initial thrill, it quickly wore off. The sound in my system was very very centered and the mids emphasised way too much.Using it in the surround sound mode really brought the majority of the music to the center channel speaker.  I sent it  wasn't satisfactory even for listening outside.... everything was there except the mids were just too in your face.  I tried Pepe's Jolida and it was a huge improvement... I think with the right tubes it would be awesome. 

I ordered the Schiit Biofrost Uber USB from Schiit, but it was on 2-3 week back order .... and 1.5 weeks later, it's still on the same back order. I was looking at the PS Audio dac and on a whim called HiFi Heaven. During a long discussion with Carl?, he mentioned that they had a few Schiit pieces in stock since they were thinking of picking up the line.... He checked and they had a Biofrost Uber USB in stock.... I couldn't buy it fast enough lol and saved the shipping cost to boot :-)  It arrived Tuesday.... much much much better than the Peachtree! I really like the sound and the imaging is just awesome.... it's a keeper.I get no ear fatigue from it what so ever... and for me, that's really saying something! Playing with interconnects now to see what can be done.... very please with the Schiit... so a box of Schiit arrived at my house, and it didn't smell in the least lol  Pretty much invisible in my system which is what I want and like, not looking for color to the sound nor any type of emphasis nor articulate highs that are shrill. Sounds very very close to the dbx cd player when used with the Sony 7200 Blu-Ray , and better than the Sony S7200 Blu-Ray player via HDMI

I'm glad to hear that.  I got the Modi for PBJ a while back, and it sounds great.  He also has their Valhalla tube headphone amp.  All of their stuff sounds great, so I would have been surprised if the Schiit sounded like shit considering I was very impressed by the cheapest piece of Schiit they make.  I'll have to stop over and hear it.


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Re: Peachtree DAC
« Reply #5 on: July 09, 2015, 07:31:11 PM »
Thanks for the warning.   I don't have much hair to spare.

I am losing my hair quickly too.  Must be the obsession with cassette tape.