Author Topic: Local Nakamichi-trained techs?  (Read 12942 times)


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Re: Local Nakamichi-trained techs?
« Reply #15 on: October 16, 2015, 11:33:51 AM »
Vince at Galaxie Electronics is a friend of mine and while he his capable of fixing some things he's not really a good technician.
He has no Idea how to align the MPX circuit of a Marantz receiver even after I showed him.

Anders is not the most tactful communicator, especially when he's tired, and he's very tired.

Anders has had the opportunity in the past to work along side Vince.  Is Vince's technical ability on par with Anders' ability, no, but I think Vince understands where his limits are and is good at not taking on more than he can chew.  There are far worse local choices, and I think everyone knows that.

I believe Anders is fairly frustrated right now, that he can not take on any repair work due to the demands of his current day job and the situation with the shop.  He'd like very much to handle repairs for everyone, and make sure they are done correctly and to his high standards.  He simply can't.

Anders should have found a more tactful way to say what he said, or not say it at all. 


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Re: Local Nakamichi-trained techs?
« Reply #16 on: October 16, 2015, 01:16:19 PM »
Oouch Anders!   You were a naughty boy there.   Vince never says a bad word about you,  and he does mention you as a good local tech.  You need to buy Vince a beer case of beer now!

Vince may not be a perfect tech,  but he can handle basic stuff and even some of the more complicated motor control madness in tape decks fine,  and works quick,  decent pricing.  I  know PBJ took his Revox turntable to Vince and he was not able to exorcise the hum from it,  but really,  that TT has been cursed for years now and no one has been able to take it,  so I do not blame Vince for failing on that one.


I blame no one for that ReVox.  What a nightmare.  I think PBJ is finally moving past it though.  We'll see.


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Re: Local Nakamichi-trained techs?
« Reply #17 on: October 16, 2015, 01:36:29 PM »
Vince at Galaxie Electronics is a friend of mine and while he his capable of fixing some things he's not really a good technician.
He has no Idea how to align the MPX circuit of a Marantz receiver even after I showed him.

Anders what does aligning the MPX circuit of a Marantz have to do with the OP's question?

If you have issues with Vince why don't you call him or better yet talk to him face to face to tell him "he's not really a good technician" or "has no Idea how to align the MPX circuit of a Marantz receiver even after I showed him" I guarantee you wouldn't say that to his face slamming him online is cowardly.

Since I know Anders better than any of you, I believe he was trying to say that Vince can't do all repairs.  Vince hasn't always known his limits, and in the past has made attempts to fix things beyond him.  Yes Anders would say that to his face and they would have that discussion, as Vince has in the past contacted Anders for help and advice.  This is a good thing too, but Anders has little time for this anymore.  There are things Anders knows that no one knows due to the length of his experience, and it has afforded Anders a living as well.  It's a fine line, giving up that info to just anyone, as it means, Anders loses his own edge. 

The way Anders said it wasn't tactful, and could only be clearly understood from his own experience.  Therefore you all got the wrong idea.  He simply didn't want anyone to think Vince could handle all.  From what I've seen from some of your experiences with Vince, he seems better at making those decisions, and Vince should ultimately decide what he can and cannot do.

Anders will respond as soon as he can himself, but he's working.

If he owes you money, please PM him with those details and he'll see you're taken care of. 

Offline vstarkwell

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Re: Local Nakamichi-trained techs?
« Reply #18 on: October 16, 2015, 01:43:39 PM »
Vince at Galaxie Electronics is a friend of mine and while he his capable of fixing some things he's not really a good technician.
He has no Idea how to align the MPX circuit of a Marantz receiver even after I showed him.

Anders is not the most tactful communicator, especially when he's tired, and he's very tired.

Anders has had the opportunity in the past to work along side Vince.  Is Vince's technical ability on par with Anders' ability, no, but I think Vince understands where his limits are and is good at not taking on more than he can chew.  There are far worse local choices, and I think everyone knows that.

I believe Anders is fairly frustrated right now, that he can not take on any repair work due to the demands of his current day job and the situation with the shop.  He'd like very much to handle repairs for everyone, and make sure they are done correctly and to his high standards.  He simply can't.

Anders should have found a more tactful way to say what he said, or not say it at all.

Hi Bunni,

I do not know you nor have I met you and I've heard nothing but good things about you so please don't take this as a swipe at you.

"Is Vince's technical ability on par with Anders' ability, no"

I take it you've examined Vince's work in comparison to Anders? can you please provide an example to clarify.

I'm also curious as to how you "Think Vince understands where his limits are and is good at not taking on more than he can chew"

I take it you know Vince personally? he's communicated to you personally what his limits are?

FYI, to everyone else on this forum and I'm sure some of you know this already but there are people on this forum who lurk and never post who read these threads & posts. Maybe they know people like Vince maybe they don't but if your gonna slander someone online you should be aware that what is said might get back to the person you're saying it about.

Offline vstarkwell

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Re: Local Nakamichi-trained techs?
« Reply #19 on: October 16, 2015, 01:47:57 PM »
Vince at Galaxie Electronics is a friend of mine and while he his capable of fixing some things he's not really a good technician.
He has no Idea how to align the MPX circuit of a Marantz receiver even after I showed him.

Anders what does aligning the MPX circuit of a Marantz have to do with the OP's question?

If you have issues with Vince why don't you call him or better yet talk to him face to face to tell him "he's not really a good technician" or "has no Idea how to align the MPX circuit of a Marantz receiver even after I showed him" I guarantee you wouldn't say that to his face slamming him online is cowardly.

If he owes you money, please PM him with those details and he'll see you're taken care of.

If you would when he wakes up ask him to PM me and we'll figure it out.


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Re: Local Nakamichi-trained techs?
« Reply #20 on: October 16, 2015, 02:18:51 PM »
Vince at Galaxie Electronics is a friend of mine and while he his capable of fixing some things he's not really a good technician.
He has no Idea how to align the MPX circuit of a Marantz receiver even after I showed him.

Anders is not the most tactful communicator, especially when he's tired, and he's very tired.

Anders has had the opportunity in the past to work along side Vince.  Is Vince's technical ability on par with Anders' ability, no, but I think Vince understands where his limits are and is good at not taking on more than he can chew.  There are far worse local choices, and I think everyone knows that.

I believe Anders is fairly frustrated right now, that he can not take on any repair work due to the demands of his current day job and the situation with the shop.  He'd like very much to handle repairs for everyone, and make sure they are done correctly and to his high standards.  He simply can't.

Anders should have found a more tactful way to say what he said, or not say it at all.

Hi Bunni,

I do not know you nor have I met you and I've heard nothing but good things about you so please don't take this as a swipe at you.

"Is Vince's technical ability on par with Anders' ability, no"

I take it you've examined Vince's work in comparison to Anders? can you please provide an example to clarify.

I'm also curious as to how you "Think Vince understands where his limits are and is good at not taking on more than he can chew"

I take it you know Vince personally? he's communicated to you personally what his limits are?

FYI, to everyone else on this forum and I'm sure some of you know this already but there are people on this forum who lurk and never post who read these threads & posts. Maybe they know people like Vince maybe they don't but if your gonna slander someone online you should be aware that what is said might get back to the person you're saying it about.

I've read from some experiences with Vince, that he has refused some work or simply said he can't fix something.  I have read this on other forums as well.   This is why I say he won't take on more than he can chew.

I Have spoken with Vince personally yes.  I've read his emails to Anders, and seen the type of questions he has asked,  and I have taken his calls.  I have seen some of Vince's work, because some of it was here in my house, as Anders was asked to help with it.  None of this was recent, but it's from that perspective that I'm speaking from. 

None of this is meant to slam or slander Vince.  He is very nice.  He is good at what he does.  He does not have the same level of hands on experience Anders does.  That's just a fact, not a put down, and I imagine he would agree with that statement.  One does not seek help from someone less knowledgeable. 

I'm a great computer tech.  I don't know everything, no one does.  I usually know how to find an answer though, and this is a good thing.  Vince has done the same, this is a good thing.

There are some out there, who will take your money, knowing they can't do what they are paid for.  We have experience with that.  Vince doesn't seem to be that kinda guy. 

I hope this clarifies what I've said. 


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Re: Local Nakamichi-trained techs?
« Reply #21 on: October 16, 2015, 02:52:02 PM »
Vince at Galaxie Electronics is a friend of mine and while he his capable of fixing some things he's not really a good technician.
He has no Idea how to align the MPX circuit of a Marantz receiver even after I showed him.

Anders what does aligning the MPX circuit of a Marantz have to do with the OP's question?

If you have issues with Vince why don't you call him or better yet talk to him face to face to tell him "he's not really a good technician" or "has no Idea how to align the MPX circuit of a Marantz receiver even after I showed him" I guarantee you wouldn't say that to his face slamming him online is cowardly.

If he owes you money, please PM him with those details and he'll see you're taken care of.

If you would when he wakes up ask him to PM me and we'll figure it out.

He's not asleep, he's at 

Offline geoffr

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Re: Local Nakamichi-trained techs?
« Reply #22 on: October 16, 2015, 04:00:13 PM »
Vince at Galaxie Electronics is a friend of mine and while he his capable of fixing some things he's not really a good technician.
He has no Idea how to align the MPX circuit of a Marantz receiver even after I showed him.

Anders is not the most tactful communicator, especially when he's tired, and he's very tired.
Nicely put. My wife would have just hit me with something.
Anders has had the opportunity in the past to work along side Vince.  Is Vince's technical ability on par with Anders' ability, no, but I think Vince understands where his limits are and is good at not taking on more than he can chew.  There are far worse local choices, and I think everyone knows that.

I believe Anders is fairly frustrated right now, that he can not take on any repair work due to the demands of his current day job and the situation with the shop.  He'd like very much to handle repairs for everyone, and make sure they are done correctly and to his high standards.  He simply can't.

Anders should have found a more tactful way to say what he said, or not say it at all.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2015, 04:03:29 PM by geoffr »
Living room: Fisher 400, Thorens TD124, Arcam CD, Klipsch Heresy
Home office: Scott 222c or Fisher KX-200, Thorens TD124, Marantz CD + Peachtree DAC, Omega 3T desktop speakers and Deep Hemp sub
Basement: Rogue Cronus, Meadowlark Kestrel, Rega P25, Marantz CD


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Re: Local Nakamichi-trained techs?
« Reply #23 on: October 16, 2015, 04:11:39 PM »

Nicely put. My wife would have just hit me with something.

I did, with words, and when I read back to him what he said, he was shocked that he'd said it.  He'll be responding later on.


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Re: Local Nakamichi-trained techs?
« Reply #24 on: October 16, 2015, 04:12:56 PM »

Nicely put. My wife would have just hit me with something.

I did, with words, and when I read back to him what he said, he was shocked that he'd said it.  He'll be responding later on.


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Re: Local Nakamichi-trained techs?
« Reply #25 on: October 16, 2015, 06:04:45 PM »
I wish to apologize as I wrote this just before I went to bed and wasn't thinking properly.  I should never have said Vince wasn't a good tech.   
Bunni is right, I was shocked when I heard what I'd written.
I was remembering things back when we both worked together and from the earlier days of his business.
This was based too on conversations I had with Vince when he wasn't so sure of himself or his abilities.  He did ask for help from time to time, and I provided what help I could.
It shouldn't have anything to do with today, and I see he has developed quite a following.
I also see that for a time he did stop taking repairs to get caught up with his backlog.   
I know too, that he was sending customers to me, when he either couldn't fix something or he had too much backlog.   
It's true that Vince and I have different skill sets.  I think Vince is well aware of that, and I don't think there is any harm in saying so.  That doesn't make him bad at what he does.
Vince is the best judge of what he feels comfortable repairing.