The story of how I came into owning a Hagerman Phono preamp involves two of my friends Larry and Rich (Scompracer). I have had the opportunity to visit their homes and hear their fine audio systems, good music, food, small talk and learning new things. I met Larry through another friend DiPole Dan. Dan sold Tom the Carver Amazing Plat. MKIV's about two years ago (small world in Pgh.) Larry is a vinyl nut with a minty pair of Polk 1.2TL's. He introduced me to his beautiful sound which included a Hagerman Phono preamp that he built himself. This tube powered beauty is sold in a half kit form. Mr. Jim Hagerman is an accomplished audio component designer and will sell you a high quality PCB, parts list and instructions. The builder can choose to buy piece parts from Digikey or any supplier. Some builders have become accomplished tweakers of Hagerman's products and share their experiences on the Hagerman Forum at Audiocircle.
I began listening to vinyl back in the 60's and pretty much gave it up in the late 90's for CD's. I've warmed up to vinyl and began to slowly get back into it over the last three years. Low end stuff, used turntables, LP's from garage sales, etc. After hearing Larry's Hagerman phono preamp I had to own one!!! The smooth presentation, deep and detailed soundstage just knocked me out! I had wanted to build the preamp myself, but my my job promotion has just consumed my time during the last year. I have been putting in 12+ hour days, traveling domestically and overseas. Enter Scompracer. Rich and I communicate frequently and I had been heralding my love for the Hagerman phono preamp, but angusihing that I just didn't have time to build it. Rich says "Carl, I'd be happy to build it for you". After about two months of procrastination, I took the leap and started buying parts and shipping them to Rich.
What happened next was just wonderful. Rich started to build the unit and was sending me pictures to update me on the progress. I can't begin to describe Rich's natural gift or talent to work with his hands. He built the Hagerman Cornet 2 so meticulously, it looks like it was built by a master craftsman. Every piece part was mounted perfectly, resistor voltages were matched to 0.01 ohm for each opposing side of the tubes, capacitors were mounted with the labeling facing up, equal height, spacing and soft bend radii on all the board components. He drilled the case for tubes and transformer holes and mounting locations, switches and lights. He used surgical gloves while handling and building everything including the case. The result was a masterpiece. Enough rambling, how about a few pic's?

For a complete photo essay of the Hagerman Cornet 2 build by Scompracer, look Here
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