Well, had one of my worst experiences to date...
Should have listened to my gut feeling as I went to this house a few years back with a bad experience...
FYI, below is the post I'm referring to...
http://pittsburgh.craigslist.org/ele/5385903784.htmlI called asking if the cassette deck was still available & I wanted to stop over and plug it in & test it out before I bought it... Person did not know which item I was referring to, was confused... I tried to explain which item... Call a second time for clarification/courtesy and ask about unit & wanting to stop over and test unit... Said to stop over, thinking seller heard my comment about wanting/needing to test unit...
I drive 25 minutes in the rain & ring doorbell, seller answering door with tape deck in hand... I politely ask to come in & be able to plug in tape deck to test. Seller states "I can't come in..." Says "house is cluttered (it WAS) & he did not want me in house!" There were a few other things said, nothing real bad... In fairness, he mentioned a relative had died recently & I think some of the items were the dead person's. I told him he should have told me BEFORE I drove over to his house that I could not come in to test tape deck. He said, "I should have asked when I called if I could come into his house!" (I did ask him that I wanted to try/test tape player) At this point we both stood our ground for a few minutes, he it his warm/dry hallway & me getting drenched in the rain outside... "Well do you want it?" Was his last reply... I said if I can't test it... The door was slammed in my face...
At this point I was not very happy, so all wet I get back in my car and drive home... While driving, many thoughts came into my head of things to do or say... I'm glad I did not carryout any of those thoughts, BUT now those of you who read this have to listen to me whine & complain!
I was trying to get the last item (cassette deck) for a system I will selling cheap to co-workers friend...
Very disappointing as I'm trying to get some extra money so I can purchase some items from ataudio...
Well, at least I did not get shot!

Thanks for reading/listening... If by chance any of you have a black economical ($10-20) working cassette deck you would/could sell, please let me know...