Author Topic: Interesting Find - Klipsch Quartet Speakers!!!  (Read 4027 times)

Offline Stugpanzer

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Kenwood KR-9050
V-MODO Crossfade M100 cans (Not Vintage but they sound nice!)

Offline RuralTom

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Re: Interesting Find - Klipsch Quartet Speakers!!!
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2016, 04:27:07 PM »
Anybody out on Oregon?!?!?!?!!?

LOL!  Likely not!  Most folks here are within 100 miles of Pittsburgh, or were at one point.  I do have a friend in Bend, but that's a haul and he doesn't like horn...
preamp: BAT VK-5
amp: Altec 944sa
DAC:  Bel Canto 2.5
CDP: Pioneer Elite DV-47a
Intel NUC server / iFi micro iUSB3.0 / Roon
Spendor FL9