Author Topic: SubWoofer settings  (Read 6965 times)

Offline EmperorNorton

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SubWoofer settings
« on: April 24, 2017, 11:52:25 AM »
this is not really a repair question.  I have a Yamaha HTR-6280 hooked up to two fronts, two sides, center and a subwoofer.  It appears that the subwoofer is only engaged when I am in 5.1 or greater. (various movie modes)  I thought I could set it up so that the subwoofer would take the lows when playing the front speakers (which would be "2.1", I assume)   Anything I might be missing?  I think on my older Sony I had to select PCM to get the sub to play with jut the two front speakers .

thanks for any suggestions
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Offline Sir Thrift-a-Lot

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Re: SubWoofer settings
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2017, 12:00:14 PM »
Many receivers do not have a 2.1 (sadly, IMHO).   They add all of those stupid, useless "matrix" settings, but don't give the one that would actually be beneficial.

Offline scorpio333

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Re: SubWoofer settings
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2017, 01:12:00 PM »
Not familiar with that particular receiver. Is it possible each mode requires setup? One of mine did each mode independently, the sub could be on or off for each. My current Yamaha has so many settings it might be 2019 before I figure it all out.


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Re: SubWoofer settings
« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2017, 11:15:23 PM »
It should work in 2 ch  stereo  - make sure you set the front speakers to small.  That will get you output in the sub.


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Re: SubWoofer settings
« Reply #4 on: April 25, 2017, 08:39:22 AM »

I've read many times the rule of thumb in HT is to set all speakers to SMALL and route all the bass to the subwoofer.  However, Audyssey sets all my speakers to LARGE, which they are in the HT (except the CC).  What to you think about this rule of thumb on setting HT speaker size?


Offline gdv

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Re: SubWoofer settings
« Reply #5 on: April 25, 2017, 10:54:48 AM »
I'm not OBG, but...

IF you have a dedicated subwoofer (or two or three), I agree to set all the speakers to "small."  So if your main speakers are not TOO large, set to "small."

Of course if you have some nice front left/front right speakers, like NHT 3.3's, Snells, DunTechs, Large Polks, etc., I would set those speakers to large & not sure you would even need a subwoofer...   ;D

(aka gdv)
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Offline EmperorNorton

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Re: SubWoofer settings
« Reply #6 on: April 25, 2017, 01:53:21 PM »
Thanks.  I will set the fronts to small.  They are Silverline Preludes, which have two mids and a tweeter, so added the sub.  will keep ya'll posted on the results.

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Re: SubWoofer settings
« Reply #7 on: April 25, 2017, 05:09:19 PM »
I'm not OBG, but...

IF you have a dedicated subwoofer (or two or three), I agree to set all the speakers to "small."  So if your main speakers are not TOO large, set to "small."

Of course if you have some nice front left/front right speakers, like NHT 3.3's, Snells, DunTechs, Large Polks, etc., I would set those speakers to large & not sure you would even need a subwoofer...   ;D

(aka gdv)

And you do not want to be OBG, trust me on that  :P....

I agree completely with George - ignore Audyssey's decision on speaker size and set all the x-over points to 80Hz except for the LFE signal which should be set to 120hz (after running Audyssey - don't ignore the good things the program does otherwise!).    Trying lower set points is generally a pain even if your speakers can handle it because of sev reasons not to expound on here, so rec u let the sub handle stuff below 80hz in ht mode.

While at it - if Audyssey barks back that there is a phase issue with a speaker or two and you know they wiring is right, ignore Audyssey,  don't change the wiring to make the software happy.

Offline scorpio333

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Re: SubWoofer settings
« Reply #8 on: April 25, 2017, 06:22:41 PM »
I'm not OBG or a snob, but I'm going to play a snob here...NO ODDyssey on Yamahas.  :P YPAO is what they call their version...same destination, smoother route.  >:D

Offline Jim Pittsburgh

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Re: SubWoofer settings
« Reply #9 on: April 25, 2017, 07:16:03 PM »
No matter the system, make sure the mains are set to SMALL. Also, IMHO/ experience/ hearing, if you have larger full spec speakers, I have found that 60htz a better match.... look at the reviews for your speakers and see how low they go without roll off. and try not to duplicate any of the spectrum, between the sub and the mains/ rear,  unless room acoustics dictate otherwise.
a bunch of nice sounding stuff. Nice that I'm finally able to actually listen to file music for the first time...


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Re: SubWoofer settings
« Reply #10 on: April 25, 2017, 07:20:19 PM »
My mains are large speakers, Klispch KLF-20s with Crites upgrades.  Am going to try small for all the HT speakers.  The sides are ADS L1230s and Rears are Klipsch Chorus 1s.

I'm not OBG, but...

IF you have a dedicated subwoofer (or two or three), I agree to set all the speakers to "small."  So if your main speakers are not TOO large, set to "small."

Of course if you have some nice front left/front right speakers, like NHT 3.3's, Snells, DunTechs, Large Polks, etc., I would set those speakers to large & not sure you would even need a subwoofer...   ;D

(aka gdv)

Offline Sir Thrift-a-Lot

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Re: SubWoofer settings
« Reply #11 on: April 25, 2017, 10:00:34 PM »
ADS L1230s for side fill.   Those would be mains in my system for sure.

Offline schwarcw

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Re: SubWoofer settings
« Reply #12 on: April 25, 2017, 11:26:32 PM »
this topic has been frequently discussed over the years,  I say try it both ways.  Set the front mains to small, then large, then smal then large.  Whatever sounds best is what you should go with.  Different speaker sizes in different rooms will give you varying results.  There is no rule of thumb here, just use your ears and go with what sunds best to YOU!

Offline Jim Pittsburgh

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Re: SubWoofer settings
« Reply #13 on: April 26, 2017, 12:15:45 AM »
yep.....   as always, whatever sounds best to you.  However, in general, having multiple frequency overlaps of speakers & subwoofer(s) is usually not a good thing....  many pick 80 htz because of the limit of their center channel, or are using small " satellite" speakers that can't go lower.... And many subs that can get down to 20htz, roll off or strain to get above 80-100htz. and many that can do 80 -100 well can't get down to 20 or less.... All of which is true, unless you spend big aXX $$$$.....  a lot of which goes for amplification. 
a bunch of nice sounding stuff. Nice that I'm finally able to actually listen to file music for the first time...


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Re: SubWoofer settings
« Reply #14 on: April 26, 2017, 08:54:51 AM »
this topic has been frequently discussed over the years,  I say try it both ways.  Set the front mains to small, then large, then smal then large.  Whatever sounds best is what you should go with.  Different speaker sizes in different rooms will give you varying results.  There is no rule of thumb here, just use your ears and go with what sunds best to YOU!

That is the long side of the explanation, sort of.  The room modes depend on, of course, the room,  and most of the nasty ones live at or under 80hz.  If the room is favorable,  or you happen to place the large speakers in the right spot (or move the chair to the right position),  a lower x-over  can work. Other wise just avoid the whole mess and use 80.