« on: January 20, 2018, 03:59:32 PM »
I have a friend who asked if I knew anyone interested in buying some of his audio gear so I figured I'd list it here. All from a non-smoking and OCD-clean home. Let me know if anyone is interested and I can connect you with the local seller.
Linn Kolektor preamp NEW $990 SALE $300
Linn Genki CDplayer $1950 $500
Linn LK100 power amp $1195 $300
Linn LK140 x2 power amps $1350 each $400
Linn Keilidh speakers $1975 the pair $500
NHT 2.5I speakers $1200 the pair $400

Pioneer PLX-1000, Nagaoka MP-150, Tascam CD200, microRendu, Sonictransporter I5, Benchmark DAC2HGC & AHB2, Harbeth Compact 7ES-3s, Analog Research Velluto, minidsp 2X4HD, SB Acoustics DIY subs, Sony HDR-F1HD, Alesis ML9600