Author Topic: GAS Ampzilla - Michael Bettinger Reference Restoration - 200wpc - $750  (Read 3643 times)

Offline MATT0404

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Freeing up some room and giving VintageHiFi members first opportunity to purchase. 

This is one of my all-time favorite amps.  It has been given Michael Bettinger’s Reference treatment and JFET input modification.  In addition, it has just had all original Fairchild input transistors replaced with new ON/Semi parts as recommended by the GAS gurus online. 

This amp has incredible bass.  Low volume, high volume, it doesn’t matter, the bass comes through clean and tight.  High frequency detail retrieval is uncompromised thanks to the JFET input mod.  I love this amp and it’s been a staple in my household for a few years now (that’s a LONG time for me), but it’s time for someone else to enjoy it.

Details on restoration work:

PRICE - $750
LOCATION – Franklin, PA 16323

I only have a few pics at the moment, but I can take more.  Just ask.
IMG_20180411_170133 by Audio Database, on Flickr
IMG_20180411_170100 by Audio Database, on Flickr