Hey Guys
I have absolutely never joined a forum in my life but here I am.
I have acquired from a friend some Luxman tube power amps and a bunch of tube and solid state pre-amps.
They were his fathers and I can have what ever I want and he wants to have a setup himself.
They aren't in the best condition. They have been sitting uncovered for about 10 years with no use.
I have started cleaning them up with alcohol swabs.
I have a pair of Luxman 3045's, a pair of Luxman MQ-70's and 1xMQ-50.
The MQ-70's still work ok, 2 of the small tubes of the MQ-50 are blown and one is nearly dead.
I haven't cleaned up the 3045's yet.
My question for now is which would be better to keep, the MQ-70's or the 3045's?

I would really appreciate any help as I am a total beginner with antique stereo equipment.