Author Topic: Marantz PM7200 Can't adjust Bias or DC Offset  (Read 6273 times)

Offline mossieurclo

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Marantz PM7200 Can't adjust Bias or DC Offset
« on: October 02, 2020, 12:54:52 PM »
Thanks for reading me:

After i repaired the speaker protection board of that amplifier, all was ok.

So I then proceeded to adjust iddle current. Got it. Then DC offse: Ooh, boooy.

At that stage, on the left channel, after first seeing normal readings while moving the trimpot to get to the correct setting, suddenly readings were all over the place and did not respond to my turning the trimpot.

I played music to earphones, to find that there was no sound on left channel. Only distorted crackles on peaks.

I took out the board and took out the trim pot, measured it as being ok from end to end and from the moving wiper. Cleaned it anyway and retested as OK.

And, i resoldered 7265 that had broken solder joints. That component was probably the one acting up (relays clicking) when i pushed away the supply wires (touching 7265?) to have access to the trimpot.
(BTW why do these (TO126?) stand so high on their legs, wrapped in shrink tubing??)

I reinstalled the board. The audio is now heard on left channel. Distortion is hard to qualify on cheap earphones and with my old ears and in haste not to blow anything up.

But: i can't adjust either Iddle Current (.2mv) or DC Offset (160mv). Trim pots have no effect. With power off i rechecked that DC offset trimpot and it was still behaving correctly.

--I probed the supply lines as deep as i could, including around some transistors (maybe of interest: 7261 is E 53.2V, B -52.7V, E -53V). All seemed normal in my limited understanding of those circuits.
--I tested in circuit the first components branching out of + and -VB,
--and double diode tested 7265 and 7267.
--I did not probe under the copper shield (housing 7251, 7253, 7255, 7257, 7259) yet.

I hope there is an obvious "classic case" component causing that anomaly, which some knowledgable and experienced person here will point out to me.

I saw that i can unsolder (update: not easily!) that copper shield and probe those components. If someone points me to what i should measure there?

BTW all i have is a digital multimeter. It can test semiconductors. It also has capacitance capability but seems unable to measure >100?uf . To find good units in my NOS stash i rely on reading DC volts, discharge, remeasure DC volts, do long Ohms test, and remeasure DC volts to see if it went up. Served me well to date ;-)

Thank you all for your insights and help.

service manual:

Offline mossieurclo

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Re: Marantz PM7200 Can't adjust Bias or DC Offset
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2020, 11:47:51 PM »
I ordered a mega328 esr meter, and a solder sucker. 1 week?

I tested a lot of a lot of diodes and fusible resistors, those i thought could be tested in circuit. All tested ok.

A lot more tests to do, especially after i remove the copper shields (i at least succeeded in tinning the old butane irons, those could help)

So i plan to annotate a .pdf with my readings and post it, hoping someone more experienced than i will be there to read it and advise. :scared:

Offline Sir Thrift-a-Lot

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Re: Marantz PM7200 Can't adjust Bias or DC Offset
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2020, 12:03:04 AM »
I know that some Marantz amps, including my 2230, are capacitor coupled, so the DC offset measurement is meaningless.   I don't know if yours is or not but it may be worth finding out.   When I attempted to measure mine I found similar behavior.

Offline Sir Thrift-a-Lot

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Re: Marantz PM7200 Can't adjust Bias or DC Offset
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2020, 12:09:17 AM »
Never mind, I see the manual gives DC offset procedure.   Sorry.

Offline mossieurclo

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Re: Marantz PM7200 Can't adjust Bias or DC Offset
« Reply #4 on: October 05, 2020, 03:00:59 PM »
Never mind, I see the manual gives DC offset procedure.   Sorry.

Well, that was a thought. I apreciate...

Offline mossieurclo

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Re: Marantz PM7200 Can't adjust Bias or DC Offset
« Reply #5 on: October 05, 2020, 04:33:54 PM »
igottheshieldsoff igottheshieldsoff igottheshieldsoff igottheshieldsoff

! ;0 GOT  THE ;O SHIELDS ;D OFF ;"!!!!!!!  ;D ;D ;D ;D


Offline mossieurclo

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Re: Marantz PM7200 Can't adjust Bias or DC Offset
« Reply #6 on: October 09, 2020, 12:28:54 AM »
I ordered a mega328 esr meter, and a solder sucker. 1 week?

So i plan to annotate a .pdf with my readings and post it, hoping someone more experienced than i will be there to read it and advise. :scared:

I got the meter and solder pump today.

I calibrated the meter, rigged pins and alligators to extend the ZIF socket, tested a few cans in my NOS and 7267 of the Marantz that i had taken out (it's good :-().

That puny meter looks useful.  :police: ;D

For Google customers searching, a pretty good manual (not supplied with the lower priced item from for "LCR-T4 Mega328 Component Tester" is here:

Now brace yourselves, friends. Data storm coming soon. Thanks for weathering it.

(i should not play with those words, sorry for those who live through those very real weather storms down south)

Offline mossieurclo

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Re: Marantz PM7200 Can't adjust Bias or DC Offset
« Reply #7 on: November 06, 2020, 11:40:17 AM »
Quote from: mossieurclo, post: 14153049, member: 330919
After i repaired the speaker protection board of that amplifier, all was ok.

So I then proceeded to adjust iddle current, got it, then DC offset. Oh, bboy.

Summing up how that problem was resolved (thank you to all who contributed!!):

I replaced fusible resistor 3315 that had gone very high.

And lowered 3301 (and 3302) to 220R to bring DC back within adjustable range (7267 and 7268 having drifted?)

Now will be replacing lots of electrolytics, all other fusibles, and putting back 7289 that i blew up (remember: discharge those Caps!), to reenable Protection. Looking for that 2SA970 and other through hole legged critters i discovered that these are now really scarce, like in hard to find.

Are NTE replacements viable??

Offline Vpgh

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Re: Marantz PM7200 Can't adjust Bias or DC Offset
« Reply #8 on: November 06, 2020, 11:03:11 PM »
Quote from: mossieurclo, post: 14153049, member: 330919
After i repaired the speaker protection board of that amplifier, all was ok.

So I then proceeded to adjust iddle current, got it, then DC offset. Oh, bboy.
. Looking for that 2SA970 and other through hole legged critters i discovered that these are now really scarce, like in hard to find.

Are NTE replacements viable??
I believe that I have a couple on my bench. Please PM me

Offline mossieurclo

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Re: Marantz PM7200 Can't adjust Bias or DC Offset
« Reply #9 on: November 07, 2020, 12:23:19 PM »
Thank you! PM sent.