Author Topic: Why do you think this site never took off?  (Read 47100 times)

Offline quaddriver

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Why do you think this site never took off?
« on: December 15, 2022, 09:11:31 AM »
I myself only log in when I am cleaning out links (mebbe Im part of the problem?)

Is it because everyone is over on the AK and spends all the time there or is the hobby really on final approach?

I mean I dont post as much on the AK but day-yam - it seems this is down to a couple posts a month.   The forum has the coolest name but is it too extra-local to pitt?

Im always checking out c/l and f/b market for 'undervalued assets' I can fix for the store (but to be honest I look at just as many cars as I do stereos) and see that everyone with a pulse buys at the local estate auctions, wipes it down and sells for more than what I would restored...Kinda kills the buzz when someone fronts up $300 for a blown stereo and then my bottom line estimate puts them into 'no way' territory.  they then dumpster it and head over to best buy for modern junk.

I myself am closing the record store end of Feb - its too hard to restock.  And really, I wanna get out of retail and just do customer repairs.  From what people are telling me, I might be perhaps the last one active in pitt besides semi retired vince?

Different world we live in now, I dunno if anyone has accounts at digikey or mouser but the product EoL notices are coming in by the dozens....If I am cynical, 'thru hole' has perhaps 5 years left.

Offline Vpgh

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Re: Why do you think this site never took off?
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2022, 09:10:50 PM »
Good point, QD.
Just look around for the trend with small local business - see that? It's the same.

I remember that were about 3-4 pages with new posts daily in hot sections at AK like "general discussion" and "dollar and" just 7 years ago. Check out AK now..
How many local audio swap meetings in Pittsburgh were for the last 5 years? 3!!
Pittsburgh antique radio collectors have a major meeting each quarter , BTW.

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Re: Why do you think this site never took off?
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2022, 10:59:35 PM »
I think it's my fault.

I started posting a lot and people hate me.

Offline MacGeek

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Re: Why do you think this site never took off?
« Reply #3 on: December 16, 2022, 09:40:45 AM »
Are we assuming there is no interest in what we are doing, learning or seeing/hearing anymore and therefore not posting anything?  I suspect at least some of us are still swapping and or repairing vintage stuff.  STaHL used to post what he was listening to, which I enjoyed.  A few years back, when there was more activity than now, there were more active members.  I used to post cool or high value gear I found on other sites, but it seems there is very little of that anymore, or the prices have become outrageous.

The Stereo Stereo get together earlier this fall was fun and somewhat reminiscent of the old swap meets, without the gear.  Maybe we could continue meeting/touching base that way at other shops in the area (Northern Audio, Butches, etc)?

I would be happy to host a get together at my house, but indoor space is somewhat limited and it's not a good time of year to be outside.
Mac stuff, Sony HDR-F1HD AM/FM/HD tuner, Denon DRS 810 cassette, Denon CDR-W1500 CD recorder, Music Hall MMF-9 w/B&O MMC2, B & O 4002 w/B & O 20 CL, Revox A-77

Offline EmperorNorton

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Re: Why do you think this site never took off?
« Reply #4 on: December 16, 2022, 04:36:50 PM »
Lots of factors typically affect web site traffic.   I am sure there are a lot of studies that show a predictable rise and fall.  Besides the pandemic factor, which put a damper on meetings/swap meets, Tom's closing his store eliminated a public gathering space.   And life gets in the way of some of these hobbies.  We bought a cabin up near route 80 last year and have been spending a lot of time and energy clearing the property (less than an acre but its still work).  As far as estate sales, I've been to five or six all year.  Too much work for the return.. I don't get into the Pgh area as much since my mom passed last year so haven't even been able to act on MacGeeks invite for a listening session (maybe in January...depending on the weather).   Several members moved out of the area and several members just moved on.   
« Last Edit: December 16, 2022, 04:41:01 PM by EmperorNorton »
Rega Planar 3
Oppo 103
Musical Fidelity M1 DAC
AR LS-17
Quad II 80 monoblocks
Canton CT-800 speakers

Offline quaddriver

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Re: Why do you think this site never took off?
« Reply #5 on: December 17, 2022, 07:58:09 PM »
cabin by 80?  you might be near my place that I moved from to pitt, but kept - in cook forest.  The store, where MOST of my customers are from pitt, is in fryburg!

Offline EmperorNorton

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Re: Why do you think this site never took off?
« Reply #6 on: December 17, 2022, 09:45:59 PM »
Yes,  I remember you were from up north.  Our cabin is about three miles outside of Emlenton so not far from Frybrg.  We'll have to meet sometime..

Rega Planar 3
Oppo 103
Musical Fidelity M1 DAC
AR LS-17
Quad II 80 monoblocks
Canton CT-800 speakers

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Re: Why do you think this site never took off?
« Reply #7 on: December 18, 2022, 12:47:17 PM »
The best days this forum had was when we were listing gear for sale and posting pictures of our setups.  Both usually start conversations.

Duntech PCL-400 (Black Knight), KEF 105/3, Snell Type b
Aloia PST 11.1, Terra Song ss-1, Luxman c-1000, Melos MA333
Llano Phoenix CA-300, White Audio Labs A100, (2) Luxman M4000
McIntosh MA230

Offline geoffr

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Re: Why do you think this site never took off?
« Reply #8 on: December 19, 2022, 12:53:40 PM »
Been a member who checks in every once in a while. Anyone (good) around Pgh who could do a restore of a Sherwood S-8900a?
Living room: Fisher 400, Thorens TD124, Arcam CD, Klipsch Heresy
Home office: Scott 222c or Fisher KX-200, Thorens TD124, Marantz CD + Peachtree DAC, Omega 3T desktop speakers and Deep Hemp sub
Basement: Rogue Cronus, Meadowlark Kestrel, Rega P25, Marantz CD

Offline MacGeek

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Re: Why do you think this site never took off?
« Reply #9 on: December 21, 2022, 09:41:49 AM »
I have met this guy and enjoyed our conversation.  Didn't buy anything and have not used him for service, but he seemed competent.  Might be worth a shot
Mac stuff, Sony HDR-F1HD AM/FM/HD tuner, Denon DRS 810 cassette, Denon CDR-W1500 CD recorder, Music Hall MMF-9 w/B&O MMC2, B & O 4002 w/B & O 20 CL, Revox A-77

Offline quaddriver

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Re: Why do you think this site never took off?
« Reply #10 on: December 29, 2022, 11:21:20 PM »
thats me....Im still selling out of fryburg until all my stuff on hand is gone then its just customer repairs only....

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Re: Why do you think this site never took off?
« Reply #11 on: December 31, 2022, 04:50:50 PM »
I don't think anyone wants to or has time to work on vintage stuff anymore. I still love it but don't have time for much anymore. I mostly work on my own stuff now but I will help where I can. My system just had some changes. I finally put some upgrades in my Linn LP12 so I'm using that turntable now as my best sounding table (Dual 731Q) is having bass feedback issues which my wife can't stand. Also I changed my preamp from my modified Audio Research SP6 to a mostly stock SP6B.


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Re: Why do you think this site never took off?
« Reply #12 on: May 28, 2023, 11:46:00 PM »
Seems forums aren't where it's at anymore. Most things these days are reviews on YouTube.

As to why this site never took off? I would say part of it's folks migrating to AK. I used to be a frequent visitor on Audio Asylum. Life happened and I stopped posting there. I rarely hear anything about that site now. Lately my posting on AK has dwindled. I'll answer the odd "What speaker is this?" question if I can. Maybe a post somewhere else but not much lately.

I had known there was a sort of group years ago. I remember yinz used to have postings on Craigslist I think. I always wanted to go but I was always working.

I found this site when I bought a pair of KEF from Tom near Gibsonia. He told me
about it and I joined. I thought his place was the coolesr. Will always remember those Snell and how incredible they sounded.

I'm still into audio as we all are.

Offline ST-Rider

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Re: Why do you think this site never took off?
« Reply #13 on: August 30, 2023, 07:07:45 PM »
What ever happened to Tom?  I know he had plans on opening a new shop in his new house and then had some health issues. 
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Re: Why do you think this site never took off?
« Reply #14 on: August 30, 2023, 09:23:40 PM »
Tom moved out of the Pgh area and now lives in the deep south. I was an active regular here on VHIFI but found it was getting too argumentative and lost focus on objectivity. Now I spent a lot of time on the Audio Science Review forum. It is quite active.

BTW. We also moved and now live out west in Colorado.
Pioneer PLX-1000, Nagaoka MP-150, Tascam CD200, microRendu, Sonictransporter I5, Benchmark DAC2HGC & AHB2, Harbeth Compact 7ES-3s, Analog Research Velluto, minidsp 2X4HD, SB Acoustics DIY subs, Sony HDR-F1HD, Alesis ML9600