Author Topic: WTB: I need an inexpensive preamp (example: Gemini pa7000)  (Read 4970 times)

Offline ataudio

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Hello all,   I need an inexpensive preamp to hold me over for a bit.  No phono...just line level inputs.
Was hoping to get by with something around 50 bucks.  Again, its just a temp thing.
As my subject line hints something like the Gemini pa7000 would work.  Its got pretty decent feedback
for a cheap preamp. OK, stop laughing...I know its a "DJ" geared product but its temporary until I get
time to ebay a bunch of stuff.  Speaking of getting rid of stuff I will be listing a few items on ebay
that may interest you.  If they really interest you and you have a really nice preamp perhaps we can work something out.

*) Nearly complete set of "Glass Audio",  "The Audio Amature", and "Speaker Builder" magazines.
There are just a few issues missing...or so I was told.  Picked up the 3 sets years (!) ago but never
inventoried the bunch.  Original owner listed the missing issues on outside of the boxes.  I honestly
dont know what these are worth.  I figured ebay would dictate the price but lets talk if you have soemthing in mind.

*) Pioneer sx828 receiver.  Very nice cosmetics and works great.

*Headphones: GRADO sr60, Denon, Philips HP910 plus a couple of other Philips (dont have model numbers handy)
Koss PortaPro and SportaPro's.

*) NAD CD player...will get model number later. Works great, sounds nice.

*) ICOM r71a shortwave receiver. Works good.  Top of the line years ago.

*) ICOM r2 scanner/shortwave receiver with cable to program from PC

*) Scott s186 speakers.  Vintage 3-way speakers. Nice Philips tweeters...very smooth. New surronds on woofers.  Drivers work great. Vinyl covering is decent condition.  Sound very nice though.

*) Sigma 180mm "macro" lens.  Autofocus lens for Nikon or film bodies.

*) Bogen (manfrotto) 3021PRO tripod with Gitzo PL5 3-axis head.

I will edit list so check back.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2010, 11:57:39 PM by ataudio »

Offline Falcon

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Re: WTB: I need an inexpensive preamp (example: Gemini pa7000)
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2010, 02:16:48 AM »
Tom has a Nikko Beta 20, it is a little more than $50, but well worth it. It is a superb pre, and at Toms price a great deal. Build quality is second to none. Sound is fantastic.

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Re: WTB: I need an inexpensive preamp (example: Gemini pa7000)
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2010, 10:21:25 AM »
I may be interested in the NAD and the Camera lense. What are you asking for them?
I am confident that an SL-1200 is capable of outperforming turntables of much higher expense with minor modification.


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Re: WTB: I need an inexpensive preamp (example: Gemini pa7000)
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2010, 11:41:30 AM »
How much are you asking for the SR60's? Feel free to IM me or email me at to discuss it.

« Last Edit: June 03, 2010, 01:20:49 PM by SunnyDaze »

Offline ataudio

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Re: WTB: I need an inexpensive preamp (example: Gemini pa7000)
« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2010, 01:46:46 PM »
Ed, SunnyDaze....sent you each a PM.