Author Topic: I want new cans. HELP!  (Read 7965 times)


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I want new cans. HELP!
« on: June 20, 2010, 04:40:24 PM »
Well, I'm thinking about upgrading the cans. I currently own Grado sr225's and sr60's. I'm considering going to the sr325is's. Part of the "problem" is this: I have grown fond of the Grado sound. They were the first insight that I had into the audiophile realm. I bought the 225's as a birthday present to myself when I turned 24. I plugged them into my Pioneer SX-450 (oh, how I wish I still had her), and I was blown away.

Since then, I've owned and heard equipment that I feel is more "neutral" and faithful to the source material. I know that Grados are famous for that Grado "sound". People either love it and swear by it, or detest it and move on from Grado.

My question is this: In the $300 price range, which cans will yield the most faithful reproduction of the source material? I've read the AKG K701/K702 vs rs325is vs hd 600 arguments. Unfortunately, I have zero experience with Sens or with AKG's. I was wandering if anyone here would like to toss in their two cents concerning my dilemma.

Again, my decision will not be based upon multiple factors of subjectivity. Statements such as "I like the sound of the _________'s because of their ability to ____________" do not interest me. I absolutely love how my 225's sound. I'm not looking to become enamored with the cans that I purchase, I'm simply looking to hear the most true reproduction of the audio signal.

Thanks a billion folks.
« Last Edit: June 21, 2010, 02:52:42 AM by SunnyDaze »

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Re: I want new cans. HELP!
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2010, 05:34:40 PM »
Go to the Stereo Shop in Greensburg, Try them all out!!!
 Just like speakers, try before you buy.


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Re: I want new cans. HELP!
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2010, 06:21:05 PM »
Oh wow. I wasn't aware that they had them all in stock!

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Re: I want new cans. HELP!
« Reply #3 on: June 20, 2010, 08:16:25 PM »
Last time I was in, they had Sens, AKG, Grado, and Sony in stock. That was last year. I bought Sony's, sounded best to me, in the $150.00 price range...

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Re: I want new cans. HELP!
« Reply #4 on: June 20, 2010, 08:54:16 PM »
I have to say, having owned both Sennheiser and Grado, I prefer my older Senns to my current Grado's.  My Senns where about 15 years old when I broke them, HD420's (open air design).  I tried the Grado 60i's and the Senn HD515 when I decided to upgrade, and I liked the feel of the Grado's better (Also, about $30 cheaper).  The Grado's have good sound, but they don't seem to have the deep end my old Senny's had.  I have been looking for an old matching pair of my HD420's on ebay so I can use them for parts, but the few that have been on have been in horrible shape and/or sold for too much for my liking.  If I could get a pair of the vintage HD420's, I would use them as my main headphones, and use the Grado's as a back up.  The Grado's are growing on me, but I think I am partial to the Senns. 

Now in the $300 range, it probably is a whole different ball game.  (I think my HD420's were $55 new and the Grado's were $70 new).  Probably didn't help you much, but, I myself am going to commit to the Sennheiser brand.

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Re: I want new cans. HELP!
« Reply #5 on: June 20, 2010, 09:17:22 PM »
I have a pair of HD555s and of HD650s. If you are ever in the Monroeville area you are welcome to take a listen.

Pioneer PLX-1000, Nagaoka MP-150, Tascam CD200, microRendu, Sonictransporter I5, Benchmark DAC2HGC & AHB2, Harbeth Compact 7ES-3s, Analog Research Velluto, minidsp 2X4HD, SB Acoustics DIY subs, Sony HDR-F1HD, Alesis ML9600


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Re: I want new cans. HELP!
« Reply #6 on: June 20, 2010, 09:49:11 PM »
AKG 702s are on my want list.  Did not know The Stereo Shop had these to demo.  Thanks Mike for the suggestion.

I own Beyerdynamic 600 ohm DT 770 closed back, 600 ohm DT 880 open back and low impedance Audio Technica ATH-AD700s ($85 on Amazon). 

They all sound great, but the ATs are the best bang for the buck for sure.  The 600 ohm cans require a headphone amp.  The ATs can be driven very well by an iPod or any low power source.


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Re: I want new cans. HELP!
« Reply #7 on: June 20, 2010, 11:28:26 PM »
As it turns out, one of my best friends owns a set of K702's! I knew he had an older set of vintage Sextets, but, who knew?

I'll get to see what they're all about tomorrow. As far as the Sens go, I hear great things about the 600/650 series. I'd like to give them a shot as well. I appreciate the offer!

Powering the new cans shouldn't be an issue. I'll run them off of my P-304. I use my PortaPro's or my SR60's on the road.

Thanks for the replies everyone! I'll keep yinz posted.
« Last Edit: June 21, 2010, 02:54:21 AM by SunnyDaze »

Offline gdv

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Re: I want new cans. HELP!
« Reply #8 on: June 21, 2010, 11:14:55 AM »
Definitely listen to the AKG K702's...

I have a pair of the AKG K240's which are budget to mid price and love them...  I used to own Koss, which were very good in their day...

Bottom line_____    Listen, Listen, Listen, Listen...

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Re: I want new cans. HELP!
« Reply #9 on: June 25, 2010, 04:05:19 AM »
Well, my mind has changed. The realization of what I actually want has come to fruition after my week-long search that included considering the K702's, Beyer 880's and 990's, and HD600's, here's what I've concluded:

I enjoy the sound of a bright yet dark system. My Paradigms do just that. They are revealing and crisp on the attack. They add what I'd call "dark" coloration. They're completely geared toward rock and roll, as am I.

I called the Stereoshop. They don't stock the 702's. My friend owns a set. He said "Dude, they are NOT for you!". I'm taking his word on it. He heard my 225's and was instantly offended. Hehe.

Fortunately, a friend's father owns a set of 600's, and a Creek amp (I forget the model number). I had a sit down with them. They're not me either. The bass sounded solid. The mids were smooth and in distant. The highs were silky and not so involving, either. I felt like I was hearing more and listening less.

I spent a significant amount of time reading about the Beyer 880/990's as well. People who seem to enjoy the sound of a Grado enjoy the sound of a Grado. Those people, in almost every case, are not Beyerdynamic supporters.

So, I'm going to climb the Grado ladder. Which leaves me at a choice, albeit one that I'm 99.99% decided on. TTVJ has a limited number of HF-2's. From the overwhelming amount of reviews and comparisons that I've read, they employ the same drivers as the 225's. Additionally, they are the most polite of the Grados. They seem to have better staging, but at the cost of less detail (most of you would call this a less brightness, I call it "less Grado-ish"). Additionally, folks who are staunch Grado-ists claim that they have an overwhelming bass presence, and an unnatural one at that. On the upside, they have great timbre. When the humidity is right.

In that price range (actually, $144 less after shipping) also exist the newly re-designed sr325is'. John Grado grew tired of folks universally praising the 225 over the 325, and so.... They've made the aluminum more dense. They've enlarged the housings to the volume of the RS-1i. They're using a real leather band with a minimal touch of padding, an 8-braid beast of a cable, a new improved driver design, blah blah blah...

Opinions on the new 325is' are mixed. Descriptions of their characteristics are not. Grado has a particular sound, that culminates in the RS-1i, and extends now into the GS-1000. 325is owners as well as several sources that I've read seem to tout the re-designed 325's as the closest in sound to the RS-1i that exists in the lineup, even going as far as claiming their superiority over the RS-2i. Of course, these are the folks who prefer the more detailed aspects (brighter, I'm not afraid to say it) of the 325is. I am one of those people. I like the guitar in Supertramp's Bloody Well Right to scream, to be dirty, raw, gritty, nasty, rock and roll!

I could buy used online and save some bucks, but.. On something that I'll very hopefully give to my children some day, nah... I'll go new.

So, tomorrow, I'm putting in my order for a brand spankin' new set of Grado sr325is headphones, and an order for the G-Cush bowl earpads. Rumor has it that the 325is sounds nearly identical in staging and coloration to the RS (G-Cush) pads.

We shall see! :) Now the question is, do I keep my 225's and my 60's? For now, for sure.

« Last Edit: June 25, 2010, 04:19:10 AM by SunnyDaze »