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Reveneering speaker cabinets

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Thanks Tom!!!

Veneering is a lot of fun.  Not as easy as it looks though. Like F1-nut says,  a pro will do it faster and better.  I had a blast doing mine.  Some thoughts:

- Figure out how to figure out the direction of the grain and do not cut against it.  It may change direction along a cut length.
- Remove the vynil covering the existing wood/MDF first
- Avoid iron-ons if you can
- Cut the veneer as close to the actual piece size as you can then sand off the edge with a file
- Pay attention to the direction of the woodgrain as you are laying it I f'd up on that  front though they don't look too bad


Jeff M:
Wish I could help........I am a furniture maker, but I am near Erie. ::) A good place to get veneer is

I have done a few veneers at this point and would be willing to help you. Here is the last set I did of Klipschorns......

Contact me at or 724-747-6047 Cell

Very nice job!  Rich, warm looking color.  Congrats!


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