« on: August 24, 2010, 01:01:36 PM »
New Aerial Model 8s in the living room - I put them on the stands with spikes into the hockey pucks. Really isolates well. I absolutely love and look forward to listening to them like none I've had before. The fineness of the articulation is astounding to me. The Carver 490T, C5 Pre amp, and the Mac MC2300 complement it perfectly. I don't miss the Polk 2.3s at all.

Thanks Tom

MMF-5 TT, DP-45 TT, Carver490T, Quicksilver Mono 60s, C5, Luxman R-1120, 2 Sony cd Jukeboxes, TX-11b, Mac MC2300, Aerial acoustic 8b, ML Vista, MVP-871, Dynaco St-35, Pas3, Mac C31v,Thiel CS-3.5, , Yamaha SS amps(2), 10" Klipsch - 8" JBL SWs, Advent 6003,LAdvents (4), Akai 285D R-R