Well, these are photos of my study room / upstairs system. Unfortunately, the review for the Onkyo Integra integrated isn't coming soon. Sorry Pepe.
What you're looking at:
Dual CS 630Q
Onkyo Integra A-8067
Onkyo Integra T-4057
Harman Kardon TD292
Onkyo DXC-390
Micro Acoustics FRM-2's
Alexis (Not disapproving)

Not exactly optimal placement, but, that's all I've got to work with.

A little better shot of the componentry.

It works really well with headphones.

Daylight shot. Sorry for the glare.

I waited until we were going out to dinner to tell her about the new purchase.
"You bought what kind of amplifier? Can we listen to Supertramp?"