Probably not much interest here but you never know. If you are in the Washington DC area you might be interested in one of the horn systems I have for sale. Need to thin the herd so to speak.

First up is a Jabo horn system that features an Altec 288 horn driver and Emminence 15 inch woofers. This system crossover is at 500 Hz asking $2,195

Second up is a Lowther horn system that features a Lowther PM4a driver, Azura horns ( 160Hz) EV Sentry IV bass bins and a Digital Pete crossover ( crosses at 250Hz) Looking for $3,495

Third up is a pair of Khorns, I believe they are 1954 vintage based on conversations with some buddies. They are in pristine condition the grills are perfect. I am asking $2,495 publicly...would offer a fellow forum member a very attractive price.
I have more photos but won't post them unless someone really wants to see them
Might be open to a trade if it's something I'm interested in.