Here is what I sent him via ebay messaging, If he replies back I'll ask him about his repair techs too.
"Re: Item # 321292089877
When we last spoke again about a month or so ago, per a conversation I had with an ebay service rep, it was suggested that you to contact ebay directly in order to assist in this matter.
I had not heard from ebay on this matter since nor had I heard back from you until yesterday.
In the mean time, in order that I might assist you can you please provide a detailed explanation of the following:
On what date did you receive the item?
Was their any noticeable damage to the packaging of the shipped item when you received it?
Was the item itself damaged?
What is currently wrong with the item?
I look forward to assisting you however I can not assist you if you choose to communicate with me outside of ebay IE; personal phone calls or written letters.